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Dr. Karl Kutz
Greek Grammar

Greek Grammar

Started Nov 2, 2021

Open Enrollment
Started Nov 2, 2021
4 Courses
10-15 Lectures / Course
Course Certificate
Dr. Karl Kutz
Dr. Kutz early research was in the Septuagint, particularly in focused on how the Greek translation of Job reflects the interpretation of the biblical text during the Intertestamental Period. However, much of the last two decades has been devoted to refining the instruction of Hebrew language and literature in the classroom. One product of that focus is the forthcoming Kutz-Josberger Hebrew Grammar that has proven highly effective. His current areas of research include work on Isaiah and Job.

$30 Enroll Now

Full program description

Program Description
This course series provides a full course in Greek grammar and translation. Instruction and exercises introduce all the concepts needed to begin a life-long encounter with the biblical text of the Greek New Testament or Septuagint (LXX). Exposure to exegetical issues underscores the knowledge, methodology and humility required for appropriately using Greek in the study of the biblical text. This course is ideal for those who wish to learn Greek but find that the pace of life is not conducive to a tradition classroom and/or do not need university credit.
List of Courses
I | Getting Started: Alphabet, Nouns, and Verbs
II | Building Blocks: Prepositions, Adjectives, and Pronouns
III | Moving Forward: The Indicative Verb Tense
IV | Final Steps: Additional Verb Tenses and More